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Jun 16, 2010 ' 10:18 PM Y

I'm back!!!

It's been months since my last blog, almost a whole entire year. Okay, maybe half a year to be exact. There's been so much that happened, and I couldn't be bothered to write about it. Christmas came and left, my Lunar New Year was pathetic. Valentine's Day was difficult to get by, and everything else after that is pretty much a blur already.

I'll try my best to update whatever is at the side, since my desktop is kinda wrong right now. Figure its gonna crush soon... We'll see...


He was there. Roses littered the floor and steps. The trail let me to the ground floor, where it ended at the foot of a wall. I looked up and found myself looking at a something made up of colorful newspaper cut ups. It formed the wordings " I Love You". I couldn't believe my eyes, my breathing stopped and I started to feel light headed.

A crowd gathered around me, and they were excited. They knew the words were meant for me, and they were happy for me. People congratulated me, made me smile. My heart pounded wildly against my chest, it almost hurt. Then he pushed through the crowds to get to me, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I looked up at him, he smiled warmly at me and handed me the flowers. Roses.

I tip-toed to put my hands around his neck, my chin rested on his left shoulder. His hands reach around my back and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his heart beating, his warmth, his muscles working to hug me closer. We were so blissful at that moment. The sun was warm, the air was sweet with roses, colors around us were bright and cheerful. Tears stream down my face as more joy and happiness overwhelms me. I could certainly feel his love for me, all that I was waiting for. The only thing that I was yearning for. I smiled and he did too.

Then I woke up... Wednesday morning when the sun hasn't even made it pass the bricks and blocks of HDBs. Me staring at my light pink colored celling, trying to remember every detail of the dream, still feeling the blissfulness. It felt so real, and how much I wish it was real. But I remembered from somewhere I heard of the saying "Whatever happens in a dream, is the direct opposite of reality."

Reality started to set in. He was gone. He had long been gone. I never got to know if he ever did love me, the way I loved and still loves him. There were no roses, never the words " I Love You". I was alone, without the excited crowd. I was alone, without him.

Nov 20, 2009 ' 10:21 PM Y

OT... OT...and more OT...

Haiz... I've been really busy for the pass 2 wks, and now my neck muscles seems to have lost its use... My head hangs heavily over my shoulders and my neck feels limp.

Had been thinking about what I should blog about lately, but nothing seems to be interesting enough. And yes, I was lazy to blog anyway.

After wks of ignoring my own blog, I've decided to sit my butt down and start to look for something to blog about...

First up, I realised watching programs and dramas on youtube is way better than sitting my ass down in front of the TV. Unless they start showing better shows, and I don't mean translating english sitcoms into mandarin and claim them to be new shows.

Second, I love my current job, and God knows how much I'll hate to lose it. Everyones' nice, and work is nice. At least the people in my office bitch around in places I don't know, and they don't drag me into their bitching sessions.

Third up, Christmas is coming up real soon!!! Boss was passing pieces of cut out blank wish tags around the office. We are supposed to get what ever is on the wish list for our own partner, who we won't know who is who until gift-exchange day. So I'm currently wrecking my brains for what to put on my wish list. I have a budget of $20, and nothing that I want currently. I was thinking could they just get me cash?

Next. 12 Dec 2009 is supposed to be the day for SunDown Festival, Seoul'd Out night. But freaking tickets are at $85! And I'm only interested in 2 groups of artist, who would be there. I was hoping to see Brown Eyed Girls and F.T. Island live, but I guess its screw cus of the ticketing price. No way, I'm gonna pay $85 for just 2 groups who will perform 1/2 hour each.

Lastly, I found this on youtube. Seems like a promo for Nokia, and I totally love the mascots!!! They (the mascots) call themselves the [[No Chicken Duck]] band. And In mandarin, it will be translated as [[No-Ji-Ya]], which is actually Nokia...AHAHA~ I totally love the Onion!!!

Nov 10, 2009 ' 9:32 PM Y

All hail the British Accent!!!

I've been having a few british guys running through my head all day for the past few days. Its a little weird, cus all the conversations I've been having in my head were all with the heavy british accent, and I can't get rid of it.

Its like having a group of british people dicussing about what to eat for lunch.

"Should I have the chicken rice or fried rice?"

Imagine that in British english...

Its driving me crazy. And just when I thought the "British Craze" in my head was over, I hear the heavy Brit accent on TV...Great...Just great...

I wonder when will this stop!!!!


Yeah, i know... I'm running out of things to say...

Hey, what can I say? I have a stable job, I live my life as it is everyday. And I'm still trying to learn the best way to save...So, what else can I say?

Oct 28, 2009 ' 10:22 PM Y

Leona Lewis - Footprints In The Sand

I can't believe all these time I've actually missed out on so many great English songs, all because I was so obsesed with Korean songs. I have to admit I was wrong...

This is such a wonderful song...

I couldn't find the right music video I could post, but this will do. Since the lyrics are already there, it saves my time.



And here is what I've missed out on blogging for the past month.

Firstly, I had my check-up. And after what seemed like forever, the x-ray showed no signs of broken bones, or messed up wrist. That's of course a good thing, but my wrist still hurt, and its a fact.

So in the end, the doctor gave me a tube of cream for the injuried ligament. It was written in the describtion that it was for rumathimism... So now I'm officially an old woman. Nice. And I'll still be able to predict rainy days whenever my wrist hurt. Great.

Just Monday, I fell asleep at my desk during work, and slammed my forehead on my desk, real hard slam. I thought I should forgo the coffee to stop myself from become an addict. But it was too late, and now I'm already an addict.

Oct 1, 2009 ' 12:16 AM Y

I lose myself every once in a while

In the back of my head is the humming of overwhelming pain and anger that had been bottled up for too long. My head swarms with memories that triggers the pain in my heart. My pulse throbs to remind me of the anger I have held back for too long, and is now overdue for release.

My hands clenched into fists, with my nails digging hard into the flesh of my palms. The pain was still too mild for me.

I raised my hands to the side of my head, as I swing it forward, release the energy into my wrist. A dull pain was felt as my knuckles made its contact with the wall in front, a slight relief of anger left my chest. I continued the action a few times, until I could feel the skin around my knuckles swell, and blood seeped through the fresh cuts.

I chucked. It felt good. But not enough. Still not enough.

I came into a room. A wall of framed pictures, and items with a string of memory attached filled the white room. I picked up the closest frame.

Bright smiles and a beautiful weather. The frame was light pink and felt warm.

I smirked as I threw the frame across the room, and watched as it shattered into pieces. Its broken glass laid on top of the picture that was popped out of its frame by force. I flew into rage as I threw things around the room and listened to them shatter, watched as they lie lifeless and broken.

Soon I could no longer hear the things that shatter around me. My own screaming covered the sounds of glass and memories shatter. I swung my body forward as my hands sweep across the table top, and things piled up at the bottom in a heap. My feet kicked at everything that laid in my path. The crunching sound of glass under my feet became harmony with my screaming, cool wetness followed.

After I was done, I slumped into a corner of the room. The room looked bare, with disoriented heaps lying on the floor. A messy trail of blood made its way around the room, and ended at my feet. My hands were also trickily blood, my fingers felt numb.

The humming at the back of my head had stopped, my pulse was once again smooth and my breathing was even.

I chucked softly feeling the relief in my chest. Slowly it became laughter, as though some one had tickled me. Then, all hell broke loose as my flood gate opened. Tears poured out blurring the images from my eyes, damping my cheeks. My hands flew up to cover my face, where tears and blood met.

I sobbed harder and harder into my palms until I could not longer breathe evenly. Stealing air every now and then in between my sobbings, I felt light and unstable. I cried till I was tired, I cried till I lost consience, I cried till I fell asleep.

Only then did I stop. When no energy was left, until all the pain and anger was gone.

Sep 30, 2009 ' 11:54 PM Y


The first thing I did when I came home today was to slam the door. I slammed my bag onto the table again in my room, threw things that didn't belong to me but where laying on my table. I practically threw everything I could grab within reach. Other that my sister who was studying in my room, I don't think anyone else noticed it.

Sometimes I really wonder to myself, "Am I that unimportant that no one even noticed the fact that I was angry for some reason?"

I had to breathe deeply and hug myself tight to prevent myself from crying on the train. I have to fight back the tears that no one I cared about will see. I had to distract myself, so I wouldn't break down in the middle of the street.

All these while I have been fighting the urge to scream at everyone I see. I have to silently scream in my own head. I have to fake a smile even though I'm so pissed that I can hardly control myself.

Whenever I hold myself back too much, I have nightmares, where I screamed, yelled, kicked, punched, stab and fight darkness. I cry myself awake to grip the sadness that was still within me, only then to fall asleep again crying.

My breath becomes unsteady, and short whenever I think about what upsets me. Many times had I tried to let it go, to forget and forgive. But I had never been able to lie enough to convince myself.

There are certain things that I myself cannot overlook, to forget and forgive. Specially when the fault isn't mine. I only act and behave as though it had been my wrong, and I've learned my mistake. It only makes me madder when the person with the wrong doing comes back to point finger at me again.

The bottled up anger is overwhelming at this stage, and yet again I cannot do anything. I can only hid myself away while I cry the tears of anger and pain, with no one to understand even if tears were shed in front of them.

The swarming anger floods my senses again. Tonight like those nights will be filled with darkness, tears and pain. I am sure I will have those nightmares again.

Sep 27, 2009 ' 6:39 PM Y

The unstoppable case of "Nobody"

Yes, yes... we would all have heard by now the all korean girl group who opened hundreds of concerts for the Jonas Brothers, with their ever so popular song [[Nobody]]. Yes, they are the Wonder Girls.

And yes, their all so popular song [[Nobody]] was actually released around the end of year 2008. Making hit statements in Korea itself with their remarkable music video, dance and song. Sweeping awards after awards at local Korean Music Industries and some overseas. But it was only mid-year this year, that they suddenly exploded into fame, and before I even know it, they were opening concerts for the Jonas Brothers. Danced with Jordan Sparks and even released an english version of the song [[Nobody]].

Even though I, myself have already gotten over the [[Nobody]] fever after they ended their original promotions of the song in korea, can't help by find the song interesting. After a year since they had originally released the song, the hit-wave of it still continues through out different countries, and guess what I found.

Yes, Chicky and Jolibee on the streets with a friend battle of [[Nobody]] on the streets of Philippines. Though there were many cars passing by, it was still quite clear. And they ended with a friendly free-style dance to the song.

People laugh your hearts out!!!

Sep 20, 2009 ' 8:42 PM Y

It felt like anything could happen, and it was going to last forever...

It started to rain at about 11.45am, the sky was tinted gray with little spots of white. The winds were blowing in strong and cooling. Raindrops made patches of wet splats everywhere.

I was praying hard in my room, hoping that it will end soon, and let it be clear in the evenings. I was sitting around the room with much difficulty, and the book wasn't enough to keep me occupied. Nothing was.

Since my brother was on the computer, I had to put myself into something else to distract myself. I helped with kitchen stuff for a while, and only a while. Then, I decided to just sit down and watch some TV, while consistently stealing glances at the wide open sky, praying that the rain will stop and sky will clear.

Everything went well from there. The rain stopped around 4pm, and the food arrived 10 mins after. The amount of food stacked up on each other were just about the right amount to feed a crowd of 20 people. 20 hungry people.

After settling a few last minute shopping for extra marshmallows, we were ready to hit the floors. The fire was started, and within 15 minutes, it was blazing hot and was rolling off the pit. People started to stream in after 6.30pm, and frank ling speaking, even though I only had Jasmine with me, and most of the guest were actually friends of my uncle or sister. It didn't felt that bad.

It wasn't awkward at all as I walked around talking to some, thanking them for coming. Food was great, people were great, Dad didn't try to be bossy, and most things were actually going the way I was planning it to be. Things were going great! People loved the food, someone managed to buy beer, and didn't get stopped, the cake was HUGE!!! And it was chocolate based with lots of fruits on top!!!

It felt like anything could happen and it was going to last forever. The pleasant air of sweet smelling happiness was everywhere.

I kept screaming "I'm officially 21, legally allowed to drink alcohol and no one can stop me!!!!"

And my mom didn't stop me(:

Even though I had to keep myself in check that my actual birthday is on Tuesday, I was happy for things to have happened.


2AM - A Friend's Confession

It's been a while, since my heart has been changed
Since I've been dealing with this loneliness
Everytime you came back, I hated the guy who made you cry

I'd rather protect you,
Though I don't know if it'll make it better
This time I'll hold you, and love you is what I thought

Baby, come to me now and be my lady
I've watched you for so long,
I just stood there not saying a word and hiding my pitiful heart
As a friend, and to remain as friends
I had to push the confession down my throat
But I'll confess to you now,
I love you

you held my hand, and said you only have me
Keeping me as a friend, you said its a real blessing
Whenever you say "Let's not change."
I had to push my feelings down

It might be best if I protected you,
Not knowing if it'll make it better
I keep hearing it, but I kept it cool
I was too scared to lose you but

Baby, come to me now and be my lady
I've watched you for so long,
I just stood there not saying a word and hiding my pitiful heart
As a friend, and to remain as friends
I had to push the confession down my throat
But I'll confess to you now,
I love you

Sep 15, 2009 ' 9:29 PM Y

Seven Days

Seven more days and I'll officially be 21. But does that actually make any difference? Will that make me more popular? Will turning 21 make me smarter? Will turning 21 make me a better person? No... I'll still be me... Blur, cubby and korean song-lover.

I have been feeling upset and down for the pass few days, and I think all my close friends actually noticed it before I even know it myself. Okay, I admit that I was angry. But not at you guys, at least not all of you.

I was angry at the fact that I was forced to cancel my BBQ party. I was angry at the fact that when I asked for other suggestions, everyone else came around to ask me "Then how?!"

PEOPLE!!!! Don't ever ask me "Then how?!", when I have already clearly ASKED for your help!!! If I knew "Then how?!", I won't even be asking for suggestion, isn't it?!

And since everyone only bothered to ask me "Then how?!", the end result is that nothing will happen. YES! I'm not going to be the one planning for anything!!!! I won't be the one fixing dates and wait for everyone to agree on a common ground!!! Just date me, and if I'm happy, I'll go!!!


Thank goodness I still have some friends who actually cared to suggest a few ideas. Thank you Michael, Jasmine and Yanting.

Thank you, Michael, for asking me out for dinner...

Thank you, Jasmine, for consistantly giving me ideas, and offering to stay with me on the day. Thank you for taking the day off from work in advance, even though the BBQ was wrecked.

Thank you, Yanting, for even asking what I want for my Bdae even though you are thousands of miles away. I really, Really, REALLY appreciate it.


2AM - This Song

Even though I want to buy you a pretty necklace
Even though I want to take you out on a ride in a nice car
Even though I want to dress you in pretty clothes
Even though I want to take you to nice places

This hand that I put inside my pocket grabs nothing
How can I have you?
My position doesn't suit you,
Regardless, can you stay by my side?

The only thing I can give to you is this song
All I have is this voice,
Even if this makes you laugh,
I'll still sing, I hope you'll accept it.

Even if you say its okay,
Even if you say its okay if I have you,
Even if you say you are happy everyday,
Even if you say you don't want anything else

Pretty and good things. Fun and cool things.
You obviously want these things too, Baby.
You know that if you stay by my side, I can't do these things.
Regardless, can you stay by my side?

I only have this song,
I really have nothing but this voice,
Even if this makes you laugh,
I'll still sing, I hope you'll accept it.
I hope you'll accept it.

Aug 31, 2009 ' 3:44 PM Y

Why must I resort to using such methods?!

People ask me why I seem to dislike kids, and mostly as long as they are younger than me, I don't really like them. Really.

I have no idea. I just don't like them. Can't really interact well with them, and don't seem to have the interest to do so.

Yes, I'll still give tuitions and classes. I'll still teach and help them, but its always education wise only. I don't seem to be able to mix well with children, does that make me look "love-less"? The fact that I can't really handle children well, and I won't play with them on my own accord, does that make me look "un-caring"?

Maybe its because in my world, I want to be the child, forever. I want to be the one who thinks immuturly, I want the one to be cared-for, not to care-after. Maybe I can't accept the fact that they do things without thinking. That's why I walk around with my ear-pieces on whenever I'm on my own. So I won't have to listen to their stupid and childish conversations. So i'll always be the only childish one around.


One week after I called the police...
Not a single soul walks around...
Not a single sound of the ball being kicked...
No one's shouting after one another...
None of our clothes went missing again...

Seriously, why do some people want to learn things the hard way? They think its funny? They think its exciting? They think we keeping quiet is afraid of them? NO!!! If they think disturbing our lives, stealing our clothes, vandalising our homes, dirtying our living areas are fun, I'll show them what's fun!

Cowards like them disappear the next day after I made the report. And if they ever come back again, I swear to God, I'll skin them alive and parade them in their own schools!!! If they ever dare to show their faces before me again, I'll parade them in skirts and clothes they stole from my house! I'll like to see boys of their age wear my mini skirts and my brother's t-shirts full of holes! And I'm sure the rest of my family would be glad to see them!

Cowards who disappear the next day...
Cowards who do not dare to play around the hard-courts anymore...
Cowards who thought we were fun to play pranks on for a change...

Aug 19, 2009 ' 7:13 PM Y

It takes two hands to clap...Always~

Patience, understanding and love is the common basic of relationships. Be it lovers' relationship, family relationships, friendships or just your simple everyday meet and greet relationship with your neighbours, all these relationships are based on Patience, Understanding and Love.

I've heard about the qurrels and disagreements, but I never thought it would be so serious! It had never crossed my mind before that someone would have such a bad relationship with the ones you call family.

To me, my family members are sometimes irritating, and they do get on my nerves and bad side once in a while, but everytime we argue or qurrel with each other, our relationship with each other becomes better. We understand why each of us reacts this way and we learn how to accommodate with each other. This is based on the understanding we have for each other, that we learn to take a step back to see the full view, and understand what each of us is really trying to say.

Taking a step back also requires patience, which most sometimes is really hard to achieve. Everytime each fight or argument gets too heated up, we forget the patience that is needed to solve the problem, and end up hurting each other when we did it only in a moment of anger. Be patient, take a deep breathe before you let some awful comments or remarks you didn't mean to say leave your lips. Be patience and take a deep breathe before you let that anger clouded mind make any stupid decisions that you didn't actually mean to do in the first place. Soften your tone when you speak, or try to explain. Shouting only makes things worst. Yes, the other person might not have the intention to listen to you in the first place, but don't shout to force them to listen, you are only giving them the excuse to blame you, push faults to you and allowing them to anger you more.

And the most basic thing in relationships is Love. Because you have the love for each other, therefore you become angry. Because you have the love for each other, you want what's best for them. And because you have the love for them, you will not ignore them like some mere stranger you see on the roads. So think about it, if you truly love them, why do you want to hurt them in the first place? Over some small matter that you can already solve easily yourself.

If you truly love and cherise the relationships you have with anyone at all, have the patience, understanding and love to take a step back, breathe, soften your tone and think clearly before you act or say anything. After all, you do feel the hurt and anger because you love them. And although it takes two hands to clap, someone must always be the first one to bow down first. And if being the one to step down first, can stop things from becoming worst, why not you be the one to apologise first? At least one person in the fight has to be the clear headed one, and one person to be the first to step down.

Aug 11, 2009 ' 5:56 PM Y

Nervous~ Nervous~ Nervous~ Nervous~

Tiffany : "Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie! Kiss Me Kiss Me, ONE MORE TIME!!!"
Me : "......?"

Tiffany : "Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie! Kiss Me Kiss Me, ONE MORE TIME!!!"
Me : "Huh?"

Tiffany : "Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie! Kiss Me Kiss Me, ONE MORE TIME!!!"
Me : " -.-!!"

Tiffany : "Strawberry shortcake, blueberry pie! Kiss Me Kiss Me, ONE MORE TIME!!!"
Me : ".....(twitch, twitch)"


A mere re-cap of what happened a long time ago...and no, I wouldn't rape her even if I were a man!

Everytime I think about the hours left till I leave for the air-port, every single nerve in me seem to twitch alot. First things first, I'm still terrified of flying! Now I finally realise how some people will always panick before the plane takes off, it used to seem so stupid to me. The chances of a plane crashing is 1 out of 1,000,000, and yet I keep hearing news flashes of planes crashing all over the world every two days.

Secondly, its the security situation in Thailand that is freaking me out. I still remember a friend's encounter in Bangkok, where the explosion happened 10 minutes right after she left the place by taxi. The airport issue also freaks me out.

Thirdly, its already quite hot and humid in singapore, how am I gonna survive in Bangkok?

Shopping!! The shopping!!! OH!!!! What am I gonna do?!!

I'm panicking and excited at the same time, and I'm driving myself crazy!

Calm down, I need to calm down!!!! And after two huge servings of ice-cream, I am still freaking out.

Nicole : "Stop counting down the hours till you leave la! And start packing!!! Maybe that'll help!"

True!!! After so long, I'm still not done with my packing, and lazy me still hasn't change the currency I need.
Haiz~ What ever am I going to do about myself?

Aug 10, 2009 ' 6:56 PM Y

Wild Bunnies on the LOOSE~~

Prolly been watching too much [[Wild Bunny]], that I've been starting to have weird dreams of 2PM members running wild with a huge bunny mascott head bounching too near me! Pretty funny if you ask me.

Anyway, will be leaving for Bangkok in about 36hours, and I've yet to pack. But I am starting to have panick attacks everytime I think about leaving for the air-port. The best part yet is that I have to leave my house "bright" and early in the morning at about 4.30am to catch my flight at 7.15am. I wonder what is going to happen? I know I won't be able to sleep until at least 3am, and if I have to leave at 4.30am, I have to wake up at 4am. Nice, 1hour of sleep is what I need.

I've more or less planned the things I'm gonna have to bring there, but has yet to start putting them together. Money has yet to be changed and I'm still silently praying that some kind soul will be able to provide more funding for the trip.

Yet again, Gray is refusing to eat as he is seriously missing my mom, who is currently away in KL for the weekends.

Aug 4, 2009 ' 12:01 AM Y

Kang Dae Sung - Look At Me Gwisoon

Even though he's from this super band Big Bang, Dae Sung gives me that goofy, kind and maknae image whenever I watch his performance on Family Outing. And they'll always play the trot song he sung.

I know the singing and dance can be a little greasy but that's how trot songs are supposed to be...GREASY~ And tell me, how can you not like him?

Aug 3, 2009 ' 1:54 PM Y

I'm getting MARRIED!!!! NOT~

How difficult is it to get myself to sit infront of the computer and start reseaching for the things I need? Very! Apparently, I can't concentrate well enough to get myself to do the things I need to be doing. For example, I'm leaving for Bangkok next wednesday(eh... I just remembered the dates, and I still thought I have another 2 more weeks to go.), and yet I still haven't done any researching yet. I should have planned out my schedule and learning a few quick thai sentences by now, and I'm still down with nothing.

It always seemed like there were tons of things I should be doing instead of youtubing or facebooking, but I never seem to remember what to do whenever I sit infront of the computer. Writing down didn't work either, I keep losing the papers.

Anyway, I finally managed to finish watching [[Bride Wars]], and it was great! It got me thinking about my own wedding, its not like I'm in a hurry to get married now, but everything seemed so wonderful when you are getting married. Having two best friends getting married together seems like a wonderful idea, and I sort of have an idea who I want my maid-of-honour to be.

The wedding dresses in the show were just as wonderful, specially Vera Wang. Yes its absultely branded and unless I start saving my ass off right now or marry some very very very rich husband, I don't think I'll even be able to wear one at the wedding. But never the less, I've more or less gotten the idea how my ideal wedding is going to be, white soft and warm (:

Here's the link to the picture of the wedding dress I was talking about.

I love it!!! Princess style, high waist, laces, layerings at the bottom! Its wonderful!
I couldn't get any other pictures from Vera Wang's collection cause of some membership block, and yet again this shows how exclusive her dresses are.

Splited PersonalityY
Name : Kianna Kit
Age : 22yrs old
Bdae : 22 Sept 1988
Hobbies : Sleep, Sing, Dream, Eat, Watch, Read
Hates : Bitches, Bitter Gourd, People who Don't Listen to Me and
Still dare to Point their Fingers are me!

Someone Please Give MeY
1) A Computer (Desktop)
2) Money
3) ITouch
4) New Shoes
5) New Clothes
6) Attention
7) The collection of Harry Potter Books (adult version)
8) The collection of Harry Potter Books (teen/kids version)

Music Chart Top 10Y
1) K'Naan - Wavin' Flag (Official 2010 World Cup Theme)
2) Shakira - Waka Waka (Official 2010 World Cup Theme)
3) Davichi - Time, Please Stop
4) 4Men Ft. Davichi - Can I Love Again?
5) 4 Minute - Huh
6) Shen Mu Yu Tong - Kuan Shu
7) T-ara - Crazy Because Of You
8) So Nyeo Shi Dae - Run Devil Run
9) Gu Hye Sun - Brown Hair
10) Soya N Sun - Smiling Goodbye

Favourite FriendsY
Alva Huang aka My BFF
Michael Ng aka My Very Emo Fren
Xiiao Mao aka My Little Sister
Chun Hui aka My Pinkish Friend
Teo Mandy aka Kim Junsu
Benjamin Kaw aka Golden Boy Denny
Christina aka My Ex-Classmate
Manish aka My Sec Sch. Buddy
Tas aka My Student

Favourite OthersY
Onion Club (Official)
Onion Club
The Dressup Store
Music Flowers

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